The Daily Bean – 14Jan
Adventure as far as the eye can see
The Your Adventure base has been one of the most visited bases and is right next to the Jamboree site, on the old TAFE site. The base provides an opportunity for Scouts and Venturer Scouts to work toward their SIA in Adventure and Sports.
As well as exploring the local bushland and cycling along offroad tracks, competing against the clock in a race of orienteering was a popular option. Geocaching allowed Patrols to test themselves to see how many they could find. And the survival challenge allowed Patrols to test their skills, playing against rival Patrols in a bush laser tag and archery tag course.
Archery Tag
Archery Tag
Survival Skills
Hatchet Throwing
Hatchet Throwing

Fuelling us for fun
Over the 10 days of Jamboree we will have eaten a whole lot. Here are some of what will have been consumed by Scouts, Venturer Scouts and adult Leaders.
- 149,124 slices of cheese
- 1,152 kg of cereal
- 13,254 litres of milk
- 2,959 kg beetroot
- 130,000 packets of biscuits
- 42,660 muesli bars
Participants and attendees, alike, queued to supplement their main meals with an assortment of tasty treats sold by food trucks in the Mall, including: Pina Colada ice-cream sundaes, potatoes loaded with pineapple, cheese, bacon, mushrooms and chicken; nachos; hamburgers and hot chips; slushies and fairy floss; Dutch pancakes; and gluten-free donuts.
We found Nikolas, Alexander and Jozzie from C060 and Georgia, Tara and Jade from FC015 enjoying a freshly made ‘boost’ of energy in a cup. Delicious and nutritious. We also tracked down Catherine, Remi, Louise, Dominic and Ethan from C067 and Rhys from FC043, along with Gavin who is the T044 Quartermaster, enjoying the smells from the hamburger stall in the Mall.
As with activities, there’s something for everyone at Jamboree.
Boost Juice
Boost – C067 (Catherine Remi Louis Dominic Ethan) and FC043 (Rhys)
Mini Dutch Pancakes
Chippies for mates
Hot Chippies
Fairy floss slushy Lachlan C060
Rotary hamburger – C067 (Catherine Remi Louis Dominic Ethan) and FC043 (Rhys) – 20250113

Trench foot is at camp!
Important health announcement:
Trench foot (also called ‘immersion foot’) is a condition that occurs when your feet are exposed to cold, wet conditions for a prolonged period of time. It’s characterised by restricted blood flow to the feet, which can lead to pain, swelling, numbness, and other symptoms. If left untreated, trench foot can lead to serious health complications.
Symptoms include: numbness, pain, redness, swelling, tingling, itching, coldness, prickliness, and blotchy skin. First aid involves: moving the affected area to a warm, dry place; evaluating for hypothermia and frostbite; cleaning and drying the affected foot; rewarming the foot with warm packs or soaking it in warm water, elevating the affected foot and allowing it to dry at room temperature.
If you have noticed some issues with your feet, due to the rain, puddles and muddy conditions in some campsites, please advise your Health and Wellbeing Leader and visit the Medical Centre.

Wellbeing service by C038 Scouts
During Market Day – part of Future Scout Day – NSW Units made, sold and provided all sorts of items and services to the thousands of Scouts and visitors who were on site.
Not happy to limit their services to just Market Day, Hayley, Keira and Kara from Unit C038 (all Scouts from the Hawkesbury area of Greater Western Sydney Region) visited the NSW Contingent HQ and ‘beautified’ a couple of very thankful Contingent members. Thanks for the manicure!

Congratulations T007 Gateway winners Tuan Subcamp.

Congratulations C004 – Gateway runner ups for Cheeli Subcamp
Each Subcamp holds a competion for the most exciting gateway that reflects the personality of the Unit.
Congratulations to all Units for the effort they put into their entry points.

Thought for the day
Be generous with encouragement. It is verbal sunshine. It costs nothing, it warms hearts and it enriches lives.
Three day weather forecast
Good news on the weather front. The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) tells us that you can look forward to:
Tuesday 14 January – 32 degrees, possible shower
Wednesday 15 January – 34 degrees, party cloudy shower
Thursday 16 January – Who cares? You’re on the bus
(36 degrees, showers)