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Roles within the NSW Jamboree Unit

Jamboree Units are organised in the same way as an ordinary Scout Unit, with 4 fully trained Leaders (Leaders of Youth) and up to 36 youth members (Scouts & Venturer Scout participants), divided into 6 Patrols of 4-6 Scouts.

In most cases, NSW Jamboree Units will have 4 Unit Leaders (adults) made up of 1 Jamboree Scout Leader (JSL) and 3 Jamboree Line Leaders (JLL), as well as youth leaders for each Patrol – Jamboree Patrol Leaders (JPL) and Assistant Jamboree Patrol Leaders (AJPL). Together, they will make up the Jamboree Unit leadership team where each person has a specific and important role to fulfill.

Jamboree Scout Leaders should be prepared to make sure that all Leaders in the Unit know each other’s tasks and jobs and have a plan in place so that someone can take over the duties of a Leader should they be on a day off or in the event of an emergency. The JSL is encouraged to appoint one of the JLLs as their deputy.

The Jamboree Unit should make effective use of the Patrol System. Patrol Leaders play a major role in making the Jamboree work for them and the Scouts in their Patrol.

Others that might also be assigned to the Jamboree Unit

Carers: In some cases, Carers may be allocated to a Jamboree Unit. Carers are assigned for the sole purpose of supporting a youth member with Specific Needs. Carers are not a part of the Jamboree Unit Leadership team. In most cases, they will eat and sleep on the Jamboree Unit Site that their youth member has been assigned to.

Contingent Health & Wellbeing Leader (CHWL): CHWL’s report to the Contingent Director Health & Wellbeing and are not a part of the Jamboree Unit Leadership team however, they will eat and sleep on one of the Jamboree Unit Sites they have been assigned to.

International Contingent Participants: Some NSW Jamboree Units may have international participants (youth and/or adults) allocated to their Jamboree Unit. They will eat and sleep on the Jamboree Unit Site that they have been assigned to, will be integrated into the Patrols and the Unit Leadership team and are members of the Jamboree Unit.

Service Leaders: Each NSW Jamboree Unit may have up to 2 Service Leaders assigned to eat and sleep with your Unit. Service Leaders are not a part of the Jamboree Unit Leadership team and will have a specific job they will be allocated to do at the Jamboree.

All other Service Leaders (SL), adults or Venturer Scouts, will be accommodated in a Service Leader or Venturer Scout village sub-camp.

Leadership Roles in the Jamboree Unit

The leadership roles in the Jamboree Unit are made up of 1 Jamboree Scout Leader (JSL) and 3 Jamboree Line Leaders (JLL), as well as youth leaders for each Patrol – Jamboree Patrol Leaders (JPL) and Assistant Jamboree Patrol Leaders (AJPL).

The NSW Contingent have prepared the following Duty Statements which set out the general responsibilities of the Jamboree Unit leadership roles.

Jamboree Scout Leader

The Jamboree Scout Leader is responsible to the Contingent Leader (via the Contingent Health & Wellbeing Leader – CHWL) for all matters relating to the Unit – both for youth members and adults – in health, wellbeing and discipline.

The JSL is the manager of the youth and adults in their Jamboree Unit and is responsible for:

  • The care and wellbeing of all members of the Jamboree Unit.
  • Discussing the roles of the JLL’s with the Unit Leaders and allocating duties and responsibilities accordingly.
  • Making regular contact with and meeting with other Jamboree Leaders before the Jamboree, where possible.
  • Ensuring Leaders have the necessary training and support to be able to fulfil their roles.
  • In consultation with the other Unit Leaders, oversee and supervise the:
  • Formation of Patrols,
  • Jamboree Unit Council,
  • Appointment/election process of Jamboree Patrol Leaders and Assistant Jamboree Patrol Leaders.
  • Conducting a pre-Jamboree Camp.
  • Travel to and from the Jamboree with your Unit by the travel arrangements (Coach) put in place by the NSW Contingent.
  • Maintaining contact with Jamboree Unit members and their families as necessary prior to the Jamboree.
  • Make yourself aware of any special needs, additional needs or dietary requirements of any Scout and, in consultation with your JLL – Health and Wellbeing and their approved Carer (if applicable), on how to best care for these.
  • Conduct regular Unit Councils throughout the Jamboree, ideally at the conclusion of each day where practical.
  • Maintain the Unit Valuables safe-keeping box for phones, cash, ATM cards etc.
  • Appoint a deputy (usually the Quartermaster) to act in the JSL role and ensure they are aware of the requirements in your absence.
  • Ensuring a roster is drawn up to allocate at least two days off for all Unit Leaders.
  • Co-ordinating and delegating other duties as needed.
  • Other duties as required by the NSW Contingent Leader or their delegate.
Health and Wellbeing

The Unit Health and Welfare Leader is a Jamboree Line Leader and reports to the JSL. They are responsible for:

  • The health and wellbeing of all Unit members – both youth and adult.
  • Maintaining the Unit First Aid Kit.
  • Maintaining the Units Medication security box, ensuring all medications are safely stored as required.
  • Monitor (and if necessary, supervise and co-ordinate) washing and any other health and hygiene-related aspects of all Unit members – both youth and adult.
  • Liaising with the Contingent Health & Wellbeing Leader (CHWL), Sub-Camp and Contingent Headquarters in cases where a Unit member’s sickness or injury is of a nature that they cannot be cared for in the Unit.
  • Recognise personal problems (e.g. homesickness) and if necessary, arrange support through the CHWL, and/or NSW Health & Wellbeing Team.
  • Ensure all Leaders receive adequate rest periods and time off.
  • Make yourself aware of any special needs, additional needs, allergies or dietary requirements of any Scout and, in consultation with the approved Carer (if applicable), on how to care for these.
  • Meet with any Carers that may be attending Jamboree (if applicable) prior to the Jamboree to discuss requirements, expectations, roles and responsibilities.
  • Any other duties as requested by the JSL.
Program & Activities

The Unit Program & Activities Leader is a Jamboree Line Leader and reports to the JSL. They are responsible for:

  • Promotion and implementation of the Jamboree program and activities in the Unit.
  • Drawing up rosters (in liaison with the QM) to allow pre-planning for activities (on-site and off-site), free days, mealtimes camp duties etc. for all Unit members, including Leaders.
  • Ensuring that all members participate and are given the opportunity to gain the Jamboree Award.
  • Noting any Participates, Assists, Leads or OAS progressions achieved during the Jamboree so they can be recorded accordingly.
  • Liaise with Program and Activity staff as necessary.
  • Ensuring Patrol members are correctly uniformed, including wearing Jamboree ID tags, equipped and attending activities on time.
  • Assist with the design and supervision of the erection of the Unit gateway.
  • Arrange appropriate daily ‘downtime’ activities within the Unit.
  • Coordinate leader participation in the youth Program as and where necessary.
  • Promoting activities available for leaders, both on-site and off-site, and if required, arrange any bookings.
  • Other duties as requested by the JSL.

The Unit Quartermaster is a Jamboree Line Leader and reports to the JSL. They are responsible for:

  • In consultation with the JSL and other JLL, coordinate all Unit gear and equipment needed for the Jamboree and make arrangements as necessary for the transport of the equipment within the guidelines given.
  • Provision, return and security of all gear and equipment prior to, during and after the Jamboree.
  • Supervise the erection of the Unit kitchen, store and dining area, and their day-to-day operation.
  • Monitor stores to ensure correct storage, timely collection and return or disposal of excess food.
  • Clear identification and listing of dietary requirements of Scouts with special needs regarding foods, allergies and sensitivities.
  • Co-ordinating the collection and issue of supplies and stores from the Sub-camp Supermarket.
  • Ensure the Unit site and adjacent area is kept in a clean and tidy condition and left so on departure, including removal of any ‘disposable’ assets. Jamboree waste management does not cater for Units leaving behind unwanted camping or other equipment, even if damaged during the Jamboree.
  • In consultation with the JLL Program/Activity Leader, draw up rosters to allow pre-planning for mealtimes.
  • Manage the Duty Patrol system.
  • Other duties as requested by the JSL.

Every Patrol in your Jamboree Unit will have a Jamboree Patrol Leader and an Assistant Jamboree Patrol Leader.

Jamboree Patrol Leader

The following points make up the role of the Jamboree JPL:

  • To maintain a happy, pleasant, and friendly atmosphere within their Patrol always.  
  • To promptly assist Leaders whenever asked to do so.  
  • To watch all Scouts for signs of uncertainty, homesickness or loneliness, especially the younger ones and to reassure them to the best of their ability, whilst understanding when and how to get help from their Leaders.  
  • To encourage team spirit within their patrol, encouraging all members to join in whatever the patrol is doing.  
  • To encourage and supervise their Patrol in erection of tents, dining fly, etc., on moving-in day, and vice versa when we are preparing to come home.  
  • To make sure their Patrol is on time and carrying or wearing appropriate gear for all on-site and off-site activities, including Jamboree ID tags.  
  • To organise their Patrol at all times, but especially on Duty Patrol Day.  
  • To ensure their Patrol sleeping tent is neat and tidy, and free from any food, at all times.  
  • To promptly administer first aid where required with patrol members, utilising their own skills and knowledge, and utilising Unit resources and Leaders where necessary.  
  • To ensure that the members of their Patrol have an adequate amount of sleep every night. Over-tired Scouts are going to be difficult to handle effectively – a tired Scout is not a happy Scout. 
Assistant Jamboree Patrol Leader

The following points make up the role of the Jamboree AJPL:

  • Assist their respective Patrol Leader in all that they do.  
  • Take on the role of their respective Patrol Leader position, when necessary, through absence or sickness. 
  • Other duties as requested by the Jamboree Patrol Leader.

Others that may also be assigned to the Jamboree Unit


Carers are assigned for the sole purpose of supporting a youth member with Specific Needs. Carers are not a part of the Jamboree Unit Leader team. A Carer’s full-time responsibility is to the youth member under their care, they will eat and sleep on the Jamboree Unit Site however they will not have any duties within the Unit leadership team.

Carers will need to have their camping equipment packed and transported in the same way the Jamboree Unit equipment is. Please include them in any communications regarding the packing of the Jamboree Unit gear.

Contingent Health & Wellbeing Leader (CHWL)

The primary responsibility of the NSW Contingent Health & Wellbeing Leader is to oversee the health and wellbeing of all Leaders and Scouts in the NSW Contingent. Every NSW Jamboree Unit will have a NSW CHWL allocated to them for support, with a CHWL being assigned from 4 to 6 NSW Jamboree Units.

CHWL’s report directly to the Contingent Director of Health & Wellbeing and are not part of the Jamboree Unit Leadership team. They will eat and sleep on one of the Jamboree Unit Sites they have been assigned to.

International Contingent Participants

Some NSW Jamboree Units may have international participants (youth and/or adults) allocated to their Unit. They will be integrated into your Patrols and the Unit Leadership team, do activities, eat and sleep with the Jamboree Unit.

The Jamboree Unit may be required to supply camping equipment (tents, stretchers/sleeping mats etc.) for international participants allocated to their Unit. Please make them feel welcome and get to understand their needs.

Service Leaders

Up to 2 Service Leaders (SL) will be assigned to eat and sleep with your Unit. Service Leaders are not part of the Jamboree Unit Leadership team. They will be allocated a specific role to do at the Jamboree however, they will eat and sleep on the Jamboree Unit Site. You might only see the Service Leaders in the Unit campsite early morning and late evening.

Service Leaders camping in the Jamboree Unit will need to have their camping equipment packed and transported in the same way the Jamboree Unit equipment is. Please include them in any communications regarding the packing of the Jamboree Unit gear, make them feel welcome and get to understand their needs.

All other Service Leaders, adults or Venturer Scouts, will be accommodated in a Service Leader or Venturer Scout village sub-camp.

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