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The Daily Bean – 10Jan

AJ2025 NSW Contingent Daily Newsletter

Wwwwhhheeeeeeeeeeee! Today we saw Scouts flying through the air, dropping from the sky and climbing higher and higher on top of what looked very much like milk crates. They weren’t, of course. They were three-dimensional square shaped objects. And very difficult to stand on while you built the tower underneath you.

Up, down and flying around

Before the rain arrived today – and even after the main shower went through – Scouts were lined up to challenge themselves on the Your Summit, an exciting vertical challenge base. They were descending the tower on the abseil lines, climbing on the rock wall and boulders, and taking trips along the ziplines above the Jamboree. When they weren’t doing that, they were enjoying the crate staking options, along with monkey climbs and a number of Patrol-based adventure activities.

Best of all, taking part in Your Summit will go towards your vertical Outdoor Adventure Skills.

    NSW Contingent Leaders function

    On Wednesday night, 120 NSW Leaders attended a ‘thank you’ function at the NSW HQ. Upon arrival, each Leader who attended received a gift as a way to show our appreciation for their time and effort in the lead up to and during Jamboree.

    There are two functions still to go – one on 10 January and one on 13 January – and every NSW Leader is encouraged to attend. You will enjoy some delicious treats (things you will not see on the regular Jamboree menu), including yummy desserts, and an opportunity to have some down time with your fellow Leaders.

    Make sure you come wearing your best hat. There will be a prize for the best hat! See you there.

    • Leader function

    • Leader function

    • Leader function

    • Leader function

    • Leader function

    • Leader function

    • Leader function

    • Leader function

    • Leader function

    • Leader function

      Visitors from Scouts NSW

      For the past two days we’ve hosted two visitors from the Scouts NSW – Shane Simmons and Danielle Cummings – who came to AJ2025 to learn more about Scouts major events.

      “It’s amazing how it all comes together,” said Shane. “A large open space one day. A full mini city the next.”

      Shane and Danielle moved around the Jamboree site to see how we manage welfare, marketing, hospitality, finance, logistics, administration, and overall management.

      • Danielle and Shane with Scouts

        Important information

        Snakes on site – Please be aware that Brown Snakes have been seen on site. Take care and be aware of where you’re walking and if you’re putting your belongings on the ground. If you see a snake, immediately tell someone and watch to see where the snake goes so it can be dealt with by a snake catcher.

        Cane toads ARE poisonous – Please don’t think that collecting cane toads is a good idea. It’s not! Cane toads, whether they are adults, toadlets, tadpoles or eggs, are poisonous. They have venom-secreting glands or swellings on each shoulder where poison is released when they are threatened. And having a Scout picking you up would be pretty threatening for a toad. Leave the toads alone!

        Bathroom etiquette – A shower is not a toilet. Nor is it a public activity. Please use the shower facilities for the reason they are there: to privately complete ablutions, without being interrupted or restricted from using the facilities. Don’t open the door if someone is in there. And don’t lock the doors to stop people from using them. Use good manners, people.

        Safety in Maryborough – If you’re on a City Tour, please adhere to road rules and cross only at the pedestrian crossing. Keep yourself and your Scouting friends safe from being injured.

        AJ2025 horoscopes

        Libra (23/09-23/10) – After a week at Jamboree you realise that ‘hair products’ are over-rated and you may never use them again. This is a good decision because now you can afford to go to every Scout event for the rest of 2025. But don’t make the same decision about deodorant!

        Scorpio (24/10-21/11) – You used to think that your Leaders were funny but after a week of knock-knock jokes, you just can’t take it any more. You are afraid to ask them to stop in case they increase the number of jokes they tell. Don’t get drawn into their evil web of bad jokes!

        Sagittarius (22/11-21/12) – You keep seeing the Jamboree police and emergency services personnel cruising around the site on golf buggies. You think you want to join the Police Force so you can go to Jamborees for the rest of your life. And so you can drive a golf buggy. Don’t forget to find out more about your future new career choice!

        Thought of the day

        “Rain is just confetti from the sky.”

        Three day weather forecast

        Good news on the weather front. The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) tells us that you can look forward to:

        • Friday 10 January – 27°c, shower or two
        • Saturday 11 January – 26°c, showers, possible storm
        • Sunday 12 January – 28°c, shower or two

        NSW Contingent  Birthday Wishes

        • Alia

        • Chevonne

        • Emily

        • Lincoln

        • Marie